In the following, we present a list of kilonova models, for the most important ones, we provide references and list the input parameters.
Kawaguchi et al., Astrophys.J. 825 (2016) 1, 52
Simplified analytical model for the description of BHNS systems.
Dietrich and Ujevic, Class.Quant.Grav. 34 (2017) 10, 105014
Simplified analytical model for the description of BNS systems.
Metzger (2017). Living Rev.Rel. 23 (2020) 1, 1
Simplified, spherically-symmetric toy-model following the description of Brian Metzger's Living review article.
Input parameters:
mej --> total ejecta mass vej --> ejecta velocity beta --> geometry factor [default = 3] kappa_r --> opacity
Smartt et al. (2017), Nature 551 (2017) 7678, 75-79
Input parameters:
mej --> ejecta mass vej --> ejecta velocity slope_r --> slope parameter kappa_r --> opacity
Wollaeger et al. (2017), Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 478 (2018) 3, 3298-3334
Input parameter:
mej vej theta_r kappa_r
Rosswog et al. (2017), Astron.Astrophys. 615 (2018) A13
Input parameters:
mej --> ejecta mass vej --> ejecta velocity Ye --> electron fraction
Barnes et al. (2016)
arxiv: 1605.07218 and 1705.07084
Input parameters:
mej --> ejecta mass vej --> ejecta velocity
Kasen (2017)
Spherical symmetric model based on full-ratiative transfer simulations. Interpolation towards arbitary ejecta quantities through Gaussian-Process Regression.
Input parameters:
mej --> ejecta mass vej --> ejecta velocity Xej --> lantganide raction
Simple sum of two spherically symmetric Ka2017 models.
Input parameters:
mej1 --> ejecta mass of first component vej1 --> ejecta velocity of first component Xej1 --> lanthanide fraction of first component mej2 --> ejecta mass of second component vej2 --> ejecta velocity of second component Xej2 --> lanthanide fraction of second component
Simple sum of three spherically symmetric Ka2017 models.
Input parameters:
mej1 --> ejecta mass of first component vej1 --> ejecta velocity of first component Xej1 --> lanthanide fraction of first component mej2 --> ejecta mass of second component vej2 --> ejecta velocity of second component Xej2 --> lanthanide fraction of second component mej3 --> ejecta mass of third component vej3 --> ejecta velocity of third component Xej3 --> lanthanide fraction of third component
Input parameters:
mej --> ejecta mass vej --> ejecta velocity Xej --> lantganide reaction iota --> inclination angle
Simple sum of two inclination-dependent Ka2017inc models. The model does not include photon absorption or any kind of interaction between the different components.
Input parameters:
mej1 --> ejecta mass of component 1 vej1 --> ejecta velocity of component 1 Xej1 --> lantganide raction of component 1 mej2 --> ejecta mass of component 2 vej2 --> ejecta velocity of component 2 Xej2 --> lantganide raction of component 2 iota2 --> inclination angle
Simple sum of three inclination-dependent Ka2017inc models. The model does not include photon absorption or any kind of interaction between the different components.
Input parameters:
mej1 --> ejecta mass of component 1 vej1 --> ejecta velocity of component 1 Xej1 --> lantganide raction of component 1 mej2 --> ejecta mass of component 2 vej2 --> ejecta velocity of component 2 Xej2 --> lantganide raction of component 2 mej2 --> ejecta mass of component 3 vej2 --> ejecta velocity of component 3 Xej2 --> lantganide raction of component 3 iota --> inclination angle
Input parameters:
mej --> ejecta mass T --> temperature
Input parameters:
mej --> ejecta mass phi --> angle between dynamical tidal and shock ejecta theta --> viewing angle
kappaLF, gammaLF, kappaLR, gammaLR
kappaLF, kappaLR, gammaLR
==== Bu2019lf
mej_dyn -> dynamical ejecta mej_wind --> wind ejecta phi --> angle between shock and tidal ejecta theta --> viewing angle
mej_dyn -> dynamical ejecta mej_wind --> wind ejecta phi --> angle between shock and tidal ejecta theta --> viewing angle
mej_dyn -> dynamical ejecta mej_wind --> wind ejecta phi --> angle between shock and tidal ejecta theta --> viewing angle
mej_dyn -> dynamical ejecta mej_wind --> wind ejecta phi --> angle between shock and tidal ejecta theta --> viewing angle
mej_dyn -> dynamical ejecta mej_wind --> wind ejecta phi --> angle between shock and tidal ejecta theta --> viewing angle kappa --> angle for opacity rescaling
Combination of Bulla2019_inc and TrPri2018, i.e., combining a GRB jet and a kilonova.
input parameters: theta_v, E0, theta_c, theta_w, n, p, epsilon_E, epsilon_B
input parameters: mej,vej,Xlan,theta_v, E0, theta_c, theta_w, n, p, epsilon_E, epsilon_B
input parameters: mej,phi,theta_v, E0, theta_c, theta_w, n, p, epsilon_E, epsilon_B
input parameters: mej,vej,Xlan,theta_v, E0, theta_c, theta_w, n, p, epsilon_E, epsilon_B, A
input parameters: mej,vej,Xlan,A Ka2017 model in which the total luminosity is scalled with an additional factor A, i.e.,
L_{bol} = A * L_{Ka2017,bol}
input parameters: mej,vej,beta,kappa_r,A –> is a _ejecta model without the suffix
Me2017 model in which the total luminosity is scalled with an additional factor A, i.e., L_{bol} = A * L_{Me2017,bol}