physics = adm z4 Gauge matter eos grhd2Fluid BNSdataReader Invariants AHmod hydroanalysis nxyz = 128*2/2 amr_move_nxyz = 96*2/2 dxyz = 36*2/2 amr_bo_dxmax = 6*2/2 0douttime = 10. 2douttime = 4 3douttime = 90 Invariants_output_time = 0.252*4. ############################################################################# # initial data BBID_modus = DSDS BNSdataReader_sgrid_exe = /path/to/BAM/executable BNSdataReader_use_interpolator = yes BNSdataReader_sgrid_datadir = "/path/to/sgrid/folder/.../" BNSdataReader_sgrid_simple_directory_structure = yes BNSdataReader_Interpolate_verbose = no BNSdataReader_keep_sgrid_output = no BNSdataReader_two_fluid_system = yes ############################################################################ # eos eos_ID = yes eos1 = tab1dhot eos1_gamma = 1.75 eos2 = tab1d ############################################################################ # checkpointing checkpoint = yes checkpoint_dt_hours = 5 checkpoint_dt_hours_quit = 23 checkpoint_variables = all ExitIfNAN = yes ############################################################################ # basic setup order_centered = 4 order_advection = 4 advection_lopsided6 = 2 advection_lopsided = 1 order_dissipation = 6 dissipation_factor = 0.1 bampi_timer_on = yes bampi_lowlatency = no bampi_timer_reset_after_every_iteration = yes bampi_nghosts = 6 order_RP = 6 order_RP_shells = 6 amr_nbuffer = 6 amr_lmax = 7 amr_move_lcube = 2 amr = bo newfmr move amr_fmr = nestedboxes grid = box bitant ############################################################################ # hydro hrsc_nghosts = 4 # how many ghost points are used to go from courser to finer level hrsc_rec = WENOZ hrsc_TVD_limiter = MC2 hrsc_rec_metric = LAG4 hrsc_flux = LLF # HLL, HLLC - Riemann solvers hrsc_rec_HO = WENOZ conservative_amr = yes matter_interpolate_scheme_restriction = linear matter_interpolate_scheme_prolongation = linear matter_interpolate_order = 4 grhd_C2P = p_root grhd_C2P_NewtonRaphsonTR = 1e-8 grhd_C2P_NewtonRaphsonNR = 100 grhd_vmax = 0.99 grhd_Wlor_max = 1e8 grhd_use_atmosphere = ColdStatic grhd_atm_factor = 10 grhd_atm_level = 1e-11 ############################################################################# # evolution evolution_method = rk evolution_method_rk = rk4 dtfac = 0.25 finaltime = 20000 z4_normalizedetg = yes z4_subtractA = yes z4_chi_div_floor = 1e-5 z4_initial_lapse = donothing z4_initial_shift = zero z4_lapse = 1+log withshift z4_shift = gamma0 withGadv withBadv withShiftadv z4_shiftalphapower = 0.0 z4_shiftdriver = 0.3 z4_shiftgammacoeff = 0.75 z4_kappa1 = 0.02 z4_kappa2 = 0.0 punctures_lapse = psiBL^(-2) boundary = background radcentered ############################################################################ # gauge Gauge = moving_puncture compute_moving_puncture_distance = line #moving_puncture_fixz = none #track_matter_var = alpha #track_matter_mode = min #track_matter_minmove = 0.01 ############################################################################# # invariants ntheta = 47 nphi = 46 invariants_compute_modes = yes invariants_modes_r = 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 invariants_modes_lmin = 0 invariants_modes_lmax = 5 invariants_energy_r = 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 gauss_codacci_mainardi = standard invariants_order = 6 ############################################################################# #ADM Mass ADM_mass_ncircles = 101 ADM_mass_npoints = 80 ADM_mass_lmin = 1 ADM_mass_lmax = 5 ADM_mass_r = 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 ####################################################### # AHmod AHmod_verbose = no AHmod_ntheta = 30 AHmod_nphi = 60 AHmod_LMAX = 10 AHmod_interpolation_order = 4 AHmod_nhorizons = 1 AHmod_searchMTS = 1 600 10000.0 0 AHmod_uselast = yes AHmod_initial_guess_expand = 1.0 AHmod_LevelOffset = 1 AHmod_UseOptimalLevel = no AHmod_surface0_WaitUntilClosePunctures = no AHmod_flow_iter = 500 AHmod_mass_tol = 1.0e-04 AHmod_hmean_tol = 100.0 AHmod_time = 4.0/1.5 AHmod_output = yes AHmod_output_xyt = yes AHmod_output_lm = yes ############################################################################## # hydroanalysis hydroanalysis_ejecta_spheres = yes hydroanalysis_ejecta_spheres_radius = 200 hydroanalysis_ejecta_nradius = 5 hydroanalysis_ejecta_dradius = 100 hydroanalysis_Mbar_radius = 8 hydroanalysis_Mbar_nradius = 12 hydroanalysis_Mbar_dradius = 1. hydroanalysis_rATM = 1e-25 hydroa_mode_projection = no ############################################################################ #puncture properties moving_puncture_finboxfix = 20 moving_puncture_finboxfixv = 6 moving_puncture_properties = yes puncture_properties_r = 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 20 puncture_properties_punc = 2 puncture_properties_npoints = 40 puncture_properties_circles = 41 ############################################################################# # output 0doutput = alpha ham momx grhd_D grhd_rho grhd_p grhd_fluid2_D grhd_fluid2_rho grhd_fluid2_p momy momz hydroa_Du hydroa_Db hydroa_fluid2_Du hydroa_fluid2_Db #1doutiter = 1 #1douttime = 2 #1doutput = alpha betax ham momx grhd_rho flagprolong rpsi4 flagrestrict grhd_fluid2_rho #1doutinterpolate = no #1doutputall = yes 2doutput = alpha betax ham momx grhd_D grhd_rho grhd_p grhd_vx grhd_v2 grhd_fluid2_D grhd_fluid2_rho grhd_fluid2_p grhd_fluid2_vx grhd_fluid2_v2 2dformat = vtk binary float 2doutinterpolate = no 2doutputall = yes 3doutput = grhd_rho grhd_fluid2_rho hydroa_Du hydroa_fluid2_Du alpha rpsi4 3dformat = vtk binary float 3doutinterpolate = no 3doutputall = yes #2doutputr = sphere_data #############################################################################