===== Gravitational-Wave Inference ===== For gravitational-wave parameter estimation, NMMA builds on [[https://lscsoft.docs.ligo.org/bilby/|bilby]], [[https://lscsoft.docs.ligo.org/parallel_bilby|parallel-bilby]] and [[https://lscsoft.docs.ligo.org/bilby_pipe/0.3.12/installation.html|bilby-pipe]] as back-end packages. For a detailed description follow the links to respective repositories. However, with special patches developed for bilby and parallel-bilby, NMMA enables to sample over EOSs during parameter estimation runs and, hence, allows to include more physical information of BNSs. ==== Example ==== Here, we consider an injection study published [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.11835|here]]. The study investigated how the combination of BNS information from multiple gravitational-wave detections will decrease statistical measurement uncertainties in the NS radius and tried to quantify the impact of waveform model systematics with in total 152 BNS parameter estimation simulations. === Installation of bilby and parallel-bilby with patches ===