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start [2024/04/07 12:42]
theoastro [Software Packages]
start [2024/08/16 20:48] (current)
theoastro [Software Packages]
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 ==== Software Packages ==== ==== Software Packages ====
   * **[[ASWNS|ASWNS]]**, a software package for the computation of rotating stars   * **[[ASWNS|ASWNS]]**, a software package for the computation of rotating stars
-  * **[[BAM|BAM]]**, a code for numerical relativity 
   * **[[BILBY|bilby]]**, a software package for gravitational-wave data analysis   * **[[BILBY|bilby]]**, a software package for gravitational-wave data analysis
   * **[[gwemlightcurves|gwemlightcurves]]**, a software package to compute kilonova lightcurves   * **[[gwemlightcurves|gwemlightcurves]]**, a software package to compute kilonova lightcurves
   * **[[NMMA|NMMA]]**, a software package to perform multi-messenger inference studies   * **[[NMMA|NMMA]]**, a software package to perform multi-messenger inference studies
-  * **[[SGRID|SGRID]]**, initial data construction code 
Last modified: le 2024/04/07 12:42